Congratulations John, November’s Spotlight Athlete!

John is someone who has a positive vibe about him. He is a pleasure to coach, as he listens to, and applies corrective feedback, even when outside of his comfort zone.

From fellow p.m. athletes: “John is a great choice for member spotlight! He is always positive, friendly, and encouraging. He is the first one to give a fist pump and a “great job.” He also always pushes himself.
He listens and always gives his all in workouts & it’s great to have him in class to work out alongside.
What do you do for work?
I’m project manager for an Electrical Contractor.

What would you like us to know about you and your family? My beautiful girlfriend Jackie (also a member) and I live In Abington. I have a daughter who Is 16 and Jackie has a son, also 16, and daughter 13

What is one thing that we may not know about you?

You may not know this, but I play guitar, play a lot of golf, love to ski, am a bit of a foodie and love craft beer.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

I’ve been doing this for 7ish years

What time do you typically train? 


What is your favorite lift and why? 

My favorite lift is the clean. Whether hang, power or squat clean, I love them all.  I like this lift because The movement is challenging and although my form is not the best, I can see improvement.

What is your favorite WOD and why?

 My favorite WOD is probably The Chief. I’ve done this workout quite a bit and PRd several times. The movements are simple but the multiple 3 minute AMRAPS definitely catch up with you towards the end and can be challenging to keep a good flow going.

What are your current CF goals? 

Goals are to continually improve and hit PR’s. The skill I would like to get is the bar muscle up.

What are your current life goals? 

Current life goals are home renovations on the house that we just bought and as much travel and experiences as possible.

What is your most memorable time as a CrossFitter? 

Most memorable times are comps to showcase all our athletes as well as athletes from other gym’s.

How has CF impacted your life outside of the box? 

CrossFit clears my mind and reduces stress. This has a carry over effect in my everyday life and increases quality experiences outside of the box. When I miss a workout I measurably feel that something’s off.

How would you best describe Cynergy to others? 

Cynergy is a community of like minded athletes who need a little bit more than a traditional workout. The comradery is incredible and there isn’t a person in the gym that doesn’t want the person next to them to succeed. The coaches are knowledgeable and friendly,  and will pull everything out of you that you’re physically capable of.

Please create your own WOD:

For time
Buy in
500m row
5 Deadlifts @315/205
Right into
10 Rounds
10 push-ups
15 air squats
20 ab mat sit ups
Buy out 
5 Deadlifts @315/205
400m run