Congratulations Bobbi, December’s spotlight athlete. Bobbi was chosen because she is a hard worker, shows up consistently and never quits. She’s always asking questions, but we love her and wouldn’t want it any other way. She is helpful with cleaning up, and is always social and at all our events. Congratulations Bobbi!
What do you do for work?
I am a school bus driver for East Bridgewater
What would you like us to know about you and your family?
I am single/widowed. I have 2 wonderful adult children, a son-in-law and soon to be daughter-in-law. Also, can’t forget my girl Sadie, my dog.
What is one thing that we may not know about you.
I am mostly very optimistic.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
3 years 4 months
What time do you typically train?
What is your favorite lift and why?
This week it’s been squat cleans.
What is your favorite WOD and why?
K9 kit hero WOD. It’s a lot of fun and a great fundraiser.
What are your current CF goals?
To get better at proper lifting form
What are your current life goals?
My goals: I guess to always be around positive people. And to say fit.
What is your most memorable time as a CrossFitter?
The holiday party WOD last year and the yankee swap.
How has CF impacted your life outside of the box?
I pay more attention to my eating habits now?
How would you best describe Cynergy to others?
Cynergy is an awesome place to workout with great people.
Any additional comments:
Thank you for choosing me this month! I know I can be a handful at times.
Bobbi’s WOD
100m Run
3 Wall Walks
5 Devil’s Presses 35/20
7 DB Russian Step Ups (each leg) 35/20