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Coaches Spotlight: Coach Alannah Vargus

Today we recognize and acknowledge Coach Alannah Vargus.  A quiet yet fierce competitor who is as humble about her athletic accomplishments as she is about the work she does in her other job as a first responder. You can always find her working on her training whenever she can fit it in and yet always has time to stop and …

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Cynergy Kids Spotlight Athlete ~ John!

We can’t let this month go by without publicly acknowledging our current “Cynergy Kids’ Spotlight Athlete!” John has been attending our Cynergy Kids program for seven months and we can’t imagine the program without him!  John is such a mature eight-year-old.  He demonstrates a model of integrity like no other athlete I’ve seen before, including the adults I’ve worked with …

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Coaches Spotlight: Coach Lonnie Ataman

Today we acknowledge Coach Lonnie Ataman as our spotlight coach. Lonnie has been part of the Cynergy family since he first competed in the First Responders Challenge here back in 2009 and has become a staple part of our coaching staff ever since. Lonnie brings a unique flair to the classes he coaches…..could be his play list?  He did win …

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Danny Russo ~ Our newest Cynergy Kids Graduate!

Congratulations to Danny Russo! Danny is graduating the Cynergy Kids Program and transitioning into the Teen Class. Danny has been working hard to stay fit and well-conditioned.  He has mastered technique of movements and lifts, working with me since the age of 4!  He is now committed to continue working on form and consistency and is up for the challenge …

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Coach Spotlight: Coach Mark O’Reilly

Today we recognize and acknowledge Coach Mark O’Reilly. Mark has been a staple at Cynergy for over 6 years now and has developed a reputation for running FUN, disciplined and well-structured classes that the athletes LOVE!  Mark has taken our All Levels Fitness class and made it what it is today… a packed house each week! His dedication to the …

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Obesity is a hormonal, not a caloric imbalance

“Fasting is effective where simple caloric reduction is not. What is the difference? Obesity is a hormonal, not a caloric imbalance. Fasting provides beneficial hormonal changes that happen during fasting and are entirely prevented by the constant intake of food. It is the intermittency of the fasting that makes it so much more effective. Fasting has been used throughout human …

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My 12-week Fasting Experiment

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” -Brené Brown by Cynthia Brown I have been in the fitness/nutrition industry for the better part of 20 years and I can say with 100% honesty that NOTHING is absolute. Believing in one way as the only way, NEVER holds true and being open and willing to push past hard …