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Spotlight Athlete: Rick Hassman

We are thrilled to announce Rick Hassman as this month’s spotlight athlete.  Rick has been dedicated and consistent with his training for the past 4 years!  He is a great team player and is supportive of his fellow LIVE athletes.  Keep up the great work!  Congratulations, Rick!   What do you do for work? Retired . I entered military service …

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Spotlight Athlete – Patty McGaffigan

Congratulations Patty, January’s Spotlight Athlete! If we could pick one word to describe Patty, it would be determined.  She is committed to learning new things and is always working on a new a skill.  She has an open mind and a willing attitude.  Patty is also committed to her nutrition journey and her determination to succeed shows.  No doubt Patty …

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Andi Mohnkern – Spotlight Athlete

Congratulations Andi, December’s athlete of the month!  Andi always has a smile on her face and an upbeat attitude.  It’s hard to not enjoy a workout with Andi in the room, even if it is the assault bike!  She is a fierce competitor, which you would never know because of her humble attitude.  She is the 1st to cheer people …

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MARK DODGE – Spotlight Athlete

Mark was an easy choice for this month’s member spotlight for a variety of reasons.  The most apparent to any member who is in attendance of a class with him is how supportive and encouraging he is to other athletes.  If you have never met him but took a class with him, he is the guy going around fist bumping …

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Josh Mitchell – Spotlight Athlete

Josh is a committed, consistent and hardworking athlete who is always eager to learn and improve! His dedication to attending the 5am classes is inspiring. Josh’s positive attitude and friendly demeanor are contagious and it adds a real positive vibe to that early hour when the rest of the world is still sleeping. He’s got an impressive enthusiasm and willingness …

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Let’s hear it for Carrissa – Our hard-working, gritty, bad ass athlete of the month!  Carrissa always shows up and always gives her best effort.  She is an inspiration to everyone in the room!  Carrissa brings the same spirit and effort into her nutrition journey that does she does in the gym.  She does anything asked of her and stays …

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Addy Holland – Spotlight Athlete

Addy is this months spotlight Athlete as I couldn’t think of someone more deserving. It is amazing that a teenager with every reason to not get up so early continues to show up at 5am even during summer break.  Her motivation and consistency is something everyone can learn from! Her work ethic, enthusiasm, energy and willingness to learn are an absolute …

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Sarah Reed – Spotlight Athlete

Sarah has been chosen as July’s Spotlight Athlete because of her coachable attitude and willingness to learn.  Sarah always come to class ready to give it 100%, even if it is not her favorite movement or the WOD looks especially grueling.  She is an awesome athlete and a pleasure to have in class everyday of the month is a title …

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Spotlight Athlete – John Holland

We always say one of the best things about Cynergy is the community and support of fellow athletes.  John Holland is one of the best.  He is a long-standing 5amer, who is also one of the most encouraging.  He is a “helper” by nature, and that follows him into the gym atmosphere.  If he notices someone hasn’t been there in …

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Spotlight Athlete – Greg Reed

Greg is chosen as member of the month because he has been such an eager, enthusiastic member of the community.  Greg shows up, puts in the work, and really works on making himself a better athlete and overall motivated human.  His growth is evident, and his whole family is such a great addition to the Cynergy family.  Congratulations Greg!   …