CrossFit. Community. Support.Coming Soon!
Masters Team Comp
Games of the Ages
June 30, 2024

We're not done yet!
We want to bring awareness to the many senior animals available for adoption. Just like master athletes, they have a lot of living left to do! Supporting Standish Humane Society. #notdoneyet #gamesoftheages2024 #adoptseniorpets
- June 13, 2024 — T-shirt deadline for teams, sponsors, judges
- June 14, 2024 — WODs posted
- June 26, 2024 — registration closes (or earlier if sold out) & heat assignments sent to team captains
SILVER TRIO (Watch Video)
15 Minutes
Establish a 1-rep max for each lift for a team total
~ Shoulder Press
~ Front Squat
~ Deadlift
- 2 Barbells per team 35# & 45#
- 1 Athlete works at a time
- Alt attempts between Females and Males
- 1 Attempt per rotation
- Weight on Barbell cannot go down
- Must take bar from the floor
- Front Squat- not a Squat Clean
- No Drop on the Deadlift
- Clips must be used
SYNC & CONQUER (Watch Video)
Balance Buy In:
Accumulate 1 Minute team balance* (view video for explanation)
Followed by:
- 2 x 300m Wreck Bag Relay (1M/1F) +
30 Synchronized Alt DB Snatches - 2 x 200m Wreck Bag Relay (1M/1F) +
20 Synchronized Alt DB Snatches - 2 x 100m Wreck Bag Relay (1M/1F) +
10 Synchronized Alt DB Snatches
30’s: 50/35 40’s: 50/35 50’s: 20/15
Followed by:
Accuracy Buy Out:
Max Hits of a 12 foot Wall Ball target
30's: 14/20, 40's: 10/14, 50's: 4-6/10
18 Minute Clock
10 Minute Clock
Calorie Row
DB Farmer's Hold*
Handstand Hold
*30’s: 50/35 40’s: 50/35 50’s: 35/20
All Athletes will be in one station and work at the same time
Rotation of stations is up to the team
5 Synchronized All Team Sit Ups at every Drop from the HS Hold or Farmers Hold
Score = Total reps of Calorie Row + T2Rings
2 women & 2 men teams with an average age as of June 30, 2024:
- 30 Somethings: 35-42
- 40 Somethings: 43-50
- 50 Somethings: 51+
Registration Requirements
- One person registers for the whole team.
- Provide team name & identify team captain
- Provide team member names, gender, email, DOB, and t-shirt style/size.
- $280 team ($70/person)
All sponsors will get logo/name on t-shirt, website and social media
- Golden Years — $1,000 (includes t-shirt)
- Old Timer — $500
- Geezer — $250
Judges & Volunteers
We are in need of Judges and Volunteers, please let us know if you can help!
- Judges will receive a voucher for lunch and a t-shirt; must be comfortable judging and no-repping athletes.
- Volunteers will help with set-up, tear-down, registration, and other miscellaneous activities as needed.